NEWS / strategy

General Tips 2 - Provided By ClivePower (AS88-11663)


I guy it’s tip from me. 


1- Stamina Pills. This is the most useful resources. If have plenty of gold, buy this resource up to 15 times. If more than that, it cost you 100G. But if you have less gold, just buy 4 of it to complete daily mission.


2- Arena Token. This is optional actually, but if you need training pills, well buy it at least 8 to complete all reward.


3- Behemoth token - optional. But since this one isnt expensive, you can buy it to obtain more rewards.


4- Treasure token is considered optional, if you willing to spent, buy this thing on medal shop the token that you get from mt dingjun.


5- Warrior trial

This one is hard. Aside of BP limit, try to clear the stage with buff. The priority started with Attack, crit chance, crit damage, damage bonus, accuracy, and pierce. If you didnt find this, just take buff that cost you 3* only. What you must buy ? Buy the epic equipment shards 1st and then go for legends. But if you didnt want the epic, thats fine, but it will be harder for you later on.


6-  Expedition

Without a doubt, this one you must do everyday, because this is the only place you can buy armor/accecories stone with resource called merit.


Thats all for me. Happy hunting and happy weekend